For Families
Raising a child takes a village. No one person can do it themselves. What can you do and where can you
go to ensure you are setting your child up for success!
Home Visitation Programs
You have a beautiful new baby. What is the first thing you can do to ensure you and your baby’s health and wellness? Contact Generate Health's Coordinated Referral & Intake System to find the right to find the best home visitation program for you.
Home Visitation programs are evidence-based preventive service that improves health outcomes for parents and children, increases school readiness, and connects families to resources. Home Visitation services are offered at no cost to families, and they are available to parents from pregnancy through a child’s fifth birthday.
Parenting Cafes and Classes
The best support can simply be meeting, sharing and learning from other parents in your community who have young children.
If you live in North St. Louis County, join A Red Circle's Parent Cafe: HERE.
In the City of St. Louis, check out Vision for Children at Risk's Parent Cafes and Family Engagement Resources: HERE.
Early Childhood Education
Enroll your child in a quality early childhood program. Whether it is a home-based center, a private, childcare facility, a Head Start program, or a public school PreK program, enroll your child as soon a spossible.
For information about quality, affordable childcare programs and resources click below.
The Public Library
Visit your public library!!! Families who spend time at libraries and read aloud daily as a family– are setup for success in school and in life. (And, in St. Louis, our public libraries are now fine free!!)
Talk, Take Turns, Tune In, and READ with your child daily!!
Engage in a wealth of early literacy resources available online in our community at:
Missouri’s Early Care and Education Connections
Sign up for Bright By Text and receive weekly text messages about how to support your child’s learning and development. And, it is FREE!